Shavuot Part II: 10 Commandments and Dairy Buffet

Wednesday, May 31st. Don't miss these two great events!!
Tuesday Night May 30th and Wednesday, May 31st.
There are two things that one should do on Shavuot. 1) Stay up learning the night of Shavuot and 2) Hear the 10 commandments (And of course eat some cheesecake).
Join us Shavuot night (May 30th) for a delicious Shavuot Dessert bar, complete with delectable delights, drinks, learning, and our DC famous Jewish-Jeapordy!
10:45PM - Dessert Bar opens
11:15PM - Jewish Jeapordy
12:00PM - All-night learning sessions begin.
Chavrusa and in-depth classes, or learn whatever you want! We'll be here all night, but stay for what you can,
Shavuot Day (May 31st) we will be having a delicious dairy Kiddush and buffet with a variety of cheesecakes and blintzes following the reading of the 10 commandments.
10 Commandments and Dairy Buffet
10:15AM - Services Begin
11:30AM - Ten Commandments& Special Shavuot Kiddush after Services!
See you there!